Friday, October 04, 2024

Honoring St. Francis on this First Friday



Exsurge Domine USA

To truth through humility.

To truth through courage.

"Franciscus, vir catholicus, et totus apostolicus,

Ecclesiae teneri fidem romanae docuit,

prebyterosque monuit prae cunctis revereri."

"Francis, a Catholic and all apostolic man,

taught to keep the faith of the Roman Church intact

and exhorted to honour, before all others, the priests."

Ant. I ad Vesperas.

As on every First Friday of the month, I offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today for the intentions of the Friends and Benefactors of the Exsurge Domine Foundation.

May the spirit of true poverty and love for the Lord and for the Holy Church shown by the Poor of Assisi induce us to imprint in our souls the signs of the Passion that he bore imprinted in his flesh.

I remind everyone to support the material needs of the seminarians who are being formed under the patronage of Exsurge Domine.

+ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Support Traditional Seminarians

Exsurge Domine USA is an approved 501(c)(3)

Mail checks to: Exsurge Domine USA, P.O. Box 6165, Omaha, NE 68106

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Your donation is tax deductible. Your support helps persecuted priests, religious and perpetuating the traditional sacraments. Thank you for so graciously supporting the mission.

Exsurge Domine - USA | P.O.Box 6165 | Omaha, NE 68106 US

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