Julia Billiart (1751-1816), a Frenchwoman, was crippled by paralysis from her 22nd to her 44th year. Miraculously cured, she founded the Institute of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, for the care and Christian education of poor girls.
Mass of a VIRGIN, except
O God, You willed that through blessed Julia's invincible love of Your Cross she should enrich Your Church by the establishment of a new congregation dedicated to the teaching of poor children. May her intercession help us to endure suffering courageously, so that we may attain to the happiness of eternal life. Through our Lord . . .
Grant, O God, that the Holy Spirit may fill us with the light of faith as we celebrate these divine mysteries, even as He constantly enlightened blessed Julia in her work of promoting Your glory. Through our Lord . . .
We are refreshed by Your banquet of heaven, O Lord. May our trust in You always be firm amid the trials of earth, through the prayers of blessed Julia. Through our Lord . . .
Julia Billiart (1751-1816), a Frenchwoman, was crippled by paralysis from her 22nd to her 44th year. Miraculously cured, she founded the Institute of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, for the care and Christian education of poor girls.
Mass of a VIRGIN, except
O God, You willed that through blessed Julia's invincible love of Your Cross she should enrich Your Church by the establishment of a new congregation dedicated to the teaching of poor children. May her intercession help us to endure suffering courageously, so that we may attain to the happiness of eternal life. Through our Lord . . .
Grant, O God, that the Holy Spirit may fill us with the light of faith as we celebrate these divine mysteries, even as He constantly enlightened blessed Julia in her work of promoting Your glory. Through our Lord . . .
We are refreshed by Your banquet of heaven, O Lord. May our trust in You always be firm amid the trials of earth, through the prayers of blessed Julia. Through our Lord . . .
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