EPISTLE (Rom. 13:8-10)
O Lord, through the intercession of Your blessed virgin Martyr Martina, may we be aided by the reception of the Blessed Sacrament and rejoice in Your everlasting protection. Through our Lord . . .
Welcome to my Blog! I read where there was a need for English Propers for the Traditional (1962 Missale Romanum - Tridentine) Latin Mass, so I will try posting the prayers and readings each day, if they are available. I will also post some other writings regarding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the greatest Act of Worship we can offer to Almighty God and the closest we can get to Heaven!
Latin Mass Society Announces 2011 Priests Training Conference
The Latin Mass Society has announced its seventh residential conference for priests who wish to learn the Extraordinary Form of Mass. The conference will take place at Buckfast Abbey, Buckfastleigh, Devon from Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th May.Tuition [read: instruction] will be given in small groups selected according to ability, and will cover Low Mass, Missa Cantata and Missa Solemnis. It is also hoped to provide tuition in the sacraments of baptism and marriage. Only rudimentary Latin is required.There will also be a residential course for laymen wishing to learn to serve the Extraordinary Form.The conference will begin late morning on the Tuesday, although there will be the opportunity for those travelling long distances to stay at Buckfast Abbey on the Monday night. The conference will end after lunch on the Friday.There will be sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form each day; parts of the Office will also be sung.The inclusive fee is £85 which covers all tuition, accommodation and board.Application forms for both priests and servers training are available from the LMS office (020 7404 7284) or the LMS website (www.lms.org.uk).
Fr. Z, my dad has recently been ordained to the permanent diaconate;
however, he was never instructed in the Extraordinary Form. Are there detailed rubrics for the role of deacon in the EF, and where could I find them? My dad has a pastor who is willing to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
Congratulations to your father.
The role of deacon is, frankly, the most demanding of the three sacred ministers during a Solemn Mass. Having a live tutor will help for the trickier parts.
You can find fairly detailed descriptions of what deacons are to do during Solemn TLM’s in the reworking of Fortescue/O’Connells’ Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described done by Alcuin Reid.
One of the best ways, however, would be to work with a priest or deacon, who himself as taken the role.
In the meantime, I would get busy learning to sing Gospel tones and making sure to know the different forms of the Ite for the end. The Ite is normally the same tone as the Kyrie at the beginning. And there is always the Exsultet if you need something to work on.
Another point I would think about ahead of time would be what to do with a biretta, putting it on the right way, getting used to taking it off before standing up, not sitting on it, that sort of thing. There are few sounds as disappointing as that crunching sound.
And avoid moving too stiffly or with too many sharp angles like a wind-up toy, or rushing around as if there were a fire … Vigil of Easter notwithstanding.