Chair of Unity Octave Intention: Return of Lapsed Catholics
Raymund of Pennafort (1175-1275), a native of Catalonia, Spain, was outstanding in the direction of souls and is revered as a patron saint of confessors. A learned professor of philosophy and law, he was entrusted by the Holy Father with the codification of canon law. When he was nearly fifty years of age, Raymund entered the Dominican Order. He converted thousands of Moors, Jews, and Albigensian heretics, and pioneered in founding language schools for aspirant missioners. Raymund performed numerous miracles. The Prayer alludes to his miraculous journey from Barcelona to the Island of Majorca on his cloak spread on the sea.
Raymund of Pennafort (1175-1275), a native of Catalonia, Spain, was outstanding in the direction of souls and is revered as a patron saint of confessors. A learned professor of philosophy and law, he was entrusted by the Holy Father with the codification of canon law. When he was nearly fifty years of age, Raymund entered the Dominican Order. He converted thousands of Moors, Jews, and Albigensian heretics, and pioneered in founding language schools for aspirant missioners. Raymund performed numerous miracles. The Prayer alludes to his miraculous journey from Barcelona to the Island of Majorca on his cloak spread on the sea.
Mass of a CONFESSOR OF THE FAITH, except
O God, You chose blessed Raymund to be an example of the true minister of the Sacrament of penance and marked his life by the miraculous trip across the sea. May his intercession make us worthy of the forgiveness and grace of penance and help us toward the shore of our eternal salvation. Through Our Lord . . .
Tradition holds that Emerentiana, a foster-sister of St. Agnes, was stoned to death by a pagan mob while she was praying at the martytr's tomb.
O Lord, pardon our sins through the intercession of the blessed virgin martyr Emerentiana, who pleased You by her purity and her faith. Through Our Lord . . .
We offer You, O Lord, this sacrifice of praise in memory of Your saints. Free us from evil now and in the future through their intercession. Through Our Lord . . .
Commemoration of SAINT EMERENTIANA
O Lord, graciously accept the gifts we offer You in honor of Your blessed virgin martyr Emerentiana, and grant us Your unending assistance through these offerings. Through Our Lord . . .
Refreshed with Heavenly Food and Drink we humbly pray you, our God, that we may be strengthened by the prayers of Your saint, in whose memory we have received this Sacrament. Through Our Lord . . .
Commemoration of SAINT EMERENTIANA
We have been nourished by Your Divine Gift, O Lord our God. May the reception of this Bread of Heaven bring us eternal life through the intercession of Your blessed virgin martyr Emerentiana. Through Our Lord . . .
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