HERRERA, Francisco de, the Elder
Spanish painter (b. ca. 1590, Sevilla, d. 1656, Madrid)
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Bonaventure was born in the Papal States in 1221, and became a Franciscan at the age of 20. He is called by the Church the Seraphic Doctor, because the penetrating genius that informs his writings is ennobled by a burning love of God. In 1273, he was created cardinal bishop of Albano. Pope Gregory X then entrusted Bonaventure with the direction of the Council of Lyons, attended by schismatic Oriental clergy as well as by Catholics. His intense solicitude for souls separated from the Church drew the schismatics into temporary reunion with the Holy See. This was St. Bonaventure's supreme labor of apostolic love. He died of exhaustion while the council was still in session.
Mass of a DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH, except
O God, may blessed Bonaventure intercede for us in heaven as he once instructed Your faithful on earth and directed them in the way of eternal salvation. Through our Lord . . .
My truth and My mercy shall be with him; and in My name shall his power be exalted.
Let our annual commemoration of Your blessed confessor bishop Bonaventure please You, O Lord. Grant that this Sacrifice of atonement which we offer on his feast may bring him greater honor and fill us with Your grace. Through our Lord . . .
O God, rewarder of the faithful, pardon our sins through the intercession of Your blessed confessor bishop Bonaventure, whom we honor this day. Through our Lord . . .
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