Dots show locations of the Salesian's missions. Image via Wikipedia
John Bosco (1815-88) grew up on a Piedmont farm in Italy. While still a student-priest at Turin, he began his mission for the abandoned boy apprentices of the early industrial era, who roamed uncared for on the streets of the city. Priests and Brothers gathered about John Bosco as his work developed, and formed the Salesian Order, named in honor of St. Francis of Sales. He also founded a community of Sisters to aid needy girls. Today, the missioners of John Bosco carry on his ideals of gentleness and charity among poor children in Asia, Africa, and South America, as well as in Europe and North America.
John Bosco (1815-88) grew up on a Piedmont farm in Italy. While still a student-priest at Turin, he began his mission for the abandoned boy apprentices of the early industrial era, who roamed uncared for on the streets of the city. Priests and Brothers gathered about John Bosco as his work developed, and formed the Salesian Order, named in honor of St. Francis of Sales. He also founded a community of Sisters to aid needy girls. Today, the missioners of John Bosco carry on his ideals of gentleness and charity among poor children in Asia, Africa, and South America, as well as in Europe and North America.
God gave him wisdom and understanding exceedingly great, and a heart as wide as the sands on the seashore.
Ps. 112:1. Praise the Lord, you His children, praise the name of the Lord.
V. Glory be . . .
Ps. 112:1. Praise the Lord, you His children, praise the name of the Lord.
V. Glory be . . .
O God, You made Your confessor St. John a father and teacher for the young and willed that he should found in Your Church flourishing new communities under the protection of the Virgin Mary. Enkindle in us the same fire of love to seek after souls and serve You alone. Through Our Lord . . .
EPISTLE Philipp. 4:4-9
Brethren: Rejoice in the Lord always: again, I say, rejoice. Let your modesty be known to all men. The Lord is nigh. Be nothing solicitous: but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest, whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame, if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline: think on these things. The things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, these do ye: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Ps 36:3-5
Trust in the Lord and do good, that you may dwell in the land and be fed with its riches.
V. Take delight in the Lord, and He will grant you your heart’s requests. Commit to the Lord your way; trust in Him, and He will act. Alleluia, alleluia.
Ps 73:21
V. The afflicted and the poor shall praise Your name. Alleluia.
GOSPEL Matt. 18:1-5
At that time, the disciples came to Jesus, saying: "Who, thinkest thou, is the greater in the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus, calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them. And said: "Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven. And he that shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me."
Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Accept, O Lord, our offering of this perfect host of salvation. May we love You in all things and above all things so that our lives may praise and glorify You. Through Our Lord . . .
Hoping against hope he believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was said to him.
We have partaken of the sacred mystery of Your Body and Blood, O Lord. remind us always of our obligation of gratitude through the intercession of Your blessed confessor saint John; who lives and rules with God the Father . . .
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The dreams of Saint John Bosco (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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