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English: Ite missa est - High tridentine mass Italiano: Ite missa est - Messa tridentina solenne (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Reflections on a Recent Essay by Msgr. Charles Pope on the Future of the Traditional Latin Mass
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.Matthew 13:45-46
The Parable of the Pearl is brought to mind by a recent blog essay by Msgr. Charles Pope of the Archdiocese of Washington in the National Catholic Register, “An Urgent Warning About the Future of the Traditional Latin Mass” (Jan. 7, 2016). Msgr . Pope , a respected pastor and blogger with long experience celebrating Mass according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (EF), is the Archdiocese of Washington’s delegate for implementation of Summorum Pontificum. [1] Indeed, he has standing to opine on the state of the celebration of the EF. Therefore, it is worth paying attention when he sets off warning flares that the growth of the traditional liturgy has stalled. “It seems that a ceiling has been hit,” he says. He presents anecdotal evidence from DC suggesting that it may even be declining. He urges us that if we want the traditional liturgy to thrive and grow, the laity must work a lot harder to make it happen. “Evangelize,” he warns, “or else close and die.”
Continue reading here: http://www.onepeterfive.com/evangelizing-the-reluctant-pearl-merchant/
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