Sunday, January 26, 2025




Bishop and Martyr

II Class/Green
Jesus reached out His miraculous charity to an outcast leper and to a pagan foreigner. These two strangers were attracted to Christ and disposed to believe in Him because of the outstanding miracles He worked. But it was necessary for them to believe definitely, before Jesus would do as they asked.

INTROIT (Ps. 96:7-8)
Worship God, all you His angels. Sion heard and was glad, and all the daughters of Juda rejoiced. 
Ps. 96:1
. The Lord is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many isles be glad! 
. Glory be . . .

Almighty and eternal God, look mercifully upon our weakness, and stretch forth the right hand of Your power to protect us. Through Our Lord . . .

Commemoration of SAINT POLYCARP
A disciple of St. John the Beloved, Polycarp received from the Apostle himself his appointment as bishop of Smyrna. Polycarp served his master ardently during a long episcopate. In his old age he refused to flee persecution and faced martyrdom with supreme peace of soul. When ordered to deny Christ, Polycarp replied, "For 86 years I have served Him; how then can I blaspheme my Savior and my King?" The last of the bishops chosen by the Apostles, he was martyred in the year 156.

O God, who gladdens us each year by the feast of Your blessed Martyr bishop Polycarp, mercifully grant that we who celebrate his birthday may also enjoy his protection. through Our Lord . . .


READING (Romans 12:16-21)

Brethren: Be not wise in your own conceits. To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God but also in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: "Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." But ,"If the enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink. For, doing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head." Be not overcome by evil: but overcome evil by good.

GRADUAL (Ps. 101:16-17)
The nations shall revere Your name, O Lord, and all the kings of the earth shall reverence Your glory. V. For the Lord has built up Sion, and He shall appear in His glory.

Alleluia, alleluia! (V. Ps. 96:1)
The Lord is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many isles be glad!

GOSPEL (Matthew 8:1-13)
At that time, when Jesus had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him: And behold a leper came and adored him, saying: "Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean." And Jesus stretching forth his hand, touched him, saying: "I will, be thou made clean." And forthwith his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus saith to him: "See thou tell no man: but go, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them."
And when he had entered into Capharnaum, there came to him a centurion, beseeching him,
and saying, "Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, and is grievously tormented." And Jesus saith to him: "I will come and heal him." And the centurion, making answer, said: "Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed. For I also am a man subject to authority, having under me soldiers; and I say to this, Go, and he goeth, and to another Come, and he cometh, and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it." And Jesus hearing this, marvelled; and said to them that followed him. "Amen I say to you, I have not found so great faith in Israel. And I say to you that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven: But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." And Jesus said to the centurion: "Go, and as thou hast believed, so be it done to thee." And the servant was healed at the same hour.

The right hand of the Lord has exercised power; the right hand of the Lord has lifted me up. I shall not die, but live, and shall declare the works of the Lord.

May this offering cleanse us from our sins, O Lord, and may it sanctify Your servants in body and soul for the celebration of this sacrifice. Through Our Lord . . .

Commemoration of SAINT POLYCARP
Bless the gifts we have set apart for You, O Lord. May the prayers of Your blessed Martyr bishop Polycarp help these offerings to win Your mercy for us. Through our Lord . . .

All marveled at these things that came from the mouth of God.

Make us worthy, O Lord, to reap the fruits of these great mysteries which you have graciously given us to celebrate. Through Our Lord . . .

Commemoration of SAINT POLYCARP

We are refreshed by the reception of Your sacred Gift, O Lord. May the prayers of Your blessed Martyr bishop Polycarp make us feel the benefit of the sacred rite we have performed. Through Our Lord . . . 

Church Icon at St Polycarp's Roman Catholic Ch...St. Polycarp miraculously extinguishing fire Icon. Image via Wikipedia

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