Holy Communion:
The Eucharistic Sacrifice of its very nature is the unbloody immolation of the divine Victim made evident in a mystical manner by the separation of the sacred species and by oblation to the Eternal Father. The Church urges all her children to partake fervently and frequently of the divine banquet, the richest treasure of our religion. If the faithful cannot easily receive Holy Communion they should do so spiritually, desiring to be united with their divine Savior in the most intense charity.
[Excerpted from 'Mediator Dei', Pius XII]
The Eucharistic Sacrifice of its very nature is the unbloody immolation of the divine Victim made evident in a mystical manner by the separation of the sacred species and by oblation to the Eternal Father. The Church urges all her children to partake fervently and frequently of the divine banquet, the richest treasure of our religion. If the faithful cannot easily receive Holy Communion they should do so spiritually, desiring to be united with their divine Savior in the most intense charity.
[Excerpted from 'Mediator Dei', Pius XII]
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