Virgin and Martyr
Virgin and Martyr
According to tradition, Bibiana belonged to a family of martyrs. When persecution broke out at Rome during the reign of Emperor Julian the Apostate, her father Flavian, former prefect of the city, was branded in the face with a hot iron and sent into exile. Her mother, Dafrosa, was beheaded. Bibiana herself was handed over to a wicked woman named Rufina, to be corrupted by her; but she proved stronger than her temptress, and was finally condemned to death. About the year 363, she was beaten with leaded whips until she died. St. Bibiana is one of the three virgin martyrs particularly venerated in Rome, the other two being St. Cecilia and St. Agnes.
Mass of a Virgin Martyr, except:
O God, the giver of all good gifts, You united the grace of virginity and the palm of martyrdom in the blessings conferred upon Your servant Bibiana. Unite our souls to You by love Through the intercession of this saint, so that we may be shielded from all danger and obtain the rewards of eternity. Through Our Lord . . .
O Lord, graciously accept the gifts we offer You in honor of Your blessed virgin martyr Bibiana and grant us Your unending assistance through these offerings. Through Our Lord . . .
We have been nourished by Your Divine Gift, O Lord our God. May the reception of this Bread of Heaven bring us eternal life through the intercession of Your blessed virgin martyr Bibiana. Through Our Lord . . .
Mass of a Virgin Martyr, except:
O God, the giver of all good gifts, You united the grace of virginity and the palm of martyrdom in the blessings conferred upon Your servant Bibiana. Unite our souls to You by love Through the intercession of this saint, so that we may be shielded from all danger and obtain the rewards of eternity. Through Our Lord . . .
O Lord, graciously accept the gifts we offer You in honor of Your blessed virgin martyr Bibiana and grant us Your unending assistance through these offerings. Through Our Lord . . .
We have been nourished by Your Divine Gift, O Lord our God. May the reception of this Bread of Heaven bring us eternal life through the intercession of Your blessed virgin martyr Bibiana. Through Our Lord . . .