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10--What else does the Holy Father (Pius XII) have to say on the subject in his encyclical, Mediator Dei et hominum, on the liturgy?
In the paragraph 101 we read: "Renewed daily, the Holy Sacrifice reminds us that there is no salvation outside the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ [Gal. 6:14]; and that God Himself has ratified this Sacrifice from 'the rising to the going down of the sun.' [Mal. 1:11] to the end that the hymn of thanksgiving and glory owed by men to their Creator, may never cease; for man has a perpetual need of God's assistance--need also of the Redeemer's Blood to blot out the sins that provoke God's justice."
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life']
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10--What else does the Holy Father (Pius XII) have to say on the subject in his encyclical, Mediator Dei et hominum, on the liturgy?
In the paragraph 101 we read: "Renewed daily, the Holy Sacrifice reminds us that there is no salvation outside the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ [Gal. 6:14]; and that God Himself has ratified this Sacrifice from 'the rising to the going down of the sun.' [Mal. 1:11] to the end that the hymn of thanksgiving and glory owed by men to their Creator, may never cease; for man has a perpetual need of God's assistance--need also of the Redeemer's Blood to blot out the sins that provoke God's justice."
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life']