continued . . .
13--Demonstrate, by quoting the encyclical, Mediator Dei, that our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, clearly defines the nature of Christ's Sacrifice; namely, Christ's continuous obedience to His Father from the first moment of His Incarnation.
The page from the Mediator Dei here cited is one of the most important. It tells us in what Christ's Sacrifice consists; and makes it clear to us, that following our Saviour's example, our participation in the Mass does not mean just a few acts of penance accomplished now and then during life; but extends to our whole existence: which should be wholly devoted to the glory of God.
The passages in question are paragraphs 22-25:
"Indeed, scarcely has 'the Word been made flesh' {John 1:14.}, than He manifests himself to the world in His priestly character; by making an act of submission to God the Father that is to be life-long: 'Therefore, in coming into the world, He says, 'Behold, I come to do Your Will, O God .' {Heb. 10:5-7.} This act of submission is to be brought to its full perfection in a wonderful way in the bloody Sacrifice of the Cross: 'It is in this 'Will' that we have been sanctified through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all.' {Heb. 10:10.} All Christ's activity among men had no other purpose. As a child, He is presented to the Lord in the Temple of Jerusalem. As a youth, He goes again to the Temple. Later on, He will often return to instruct the people and to pray. Before inaugurating His public ministry, He fasts for forty days. by word and example, He exhorts us to pray, whether by day or by night. As Master of Truth, He 'enlightens every man' {John 1:9,}; that mortals may recognize the true immortal God, and not be 'among those who draw back unto destruction, but of those who have faith to the saving of the soul.' {Heb. 10:39.} As Shepherd, He has charge of His flock. He leads it into living pastures, and gives it a law to be observed; in order that none may turn aside from Him: but that all may lead holy lives under His inspiration and guidance. at the Last Supper He celebrated the New Passover with pomp and solemn rite; and, thanks to the divine institution of the Eucharist, assured its permanence. the next day, uplifted between Heaven and earth, He offers His life in sacrifice for our salvation; and from His riven side, causes the Sacraments to flow that distribute to men's souls the fruits of the Redemption. In so doing, He has no other aim than his Father's glory and man's greater sanctity.
"Entering, then, into the place of eternal beatitude, He desires that the worship initiated and offered during His earthly life, may continue without interruption. For He will not leave the human race orphans, but will ever assist it by His continuous and powerful protection; making Himself our Advocate in Heaven with the Father. {I John, 2:2.} He will assist it also by His Church, in which His divine presence is perpetuated from age to age; which He established as a 'pillar and mainstay of the truth' {I Tim. 3:15.}, and dispenser of His grace; and which, by the Sacrifice of the Cross, He founded, consecrated, and confirmed forever."
[from 'Your Mass and Your Life', to be continued]
continued . . .
13--Demonstrate, by quoting the encyclical, Mediator Dei, that our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, clearly defines the nature of Christ's Sacrifice; namely, Christ's continuous obedience to His Father from the first moment of His Incarnation.
The page from the Mediator Dei here cited is one of the most important. It tells us in what Christ's Sacrifice consists; and makes it clear to us, that following our Saviour's example, our participation in the Mass does not mean just a few acts of penance accomplished now and then during life; but extends to our whole existence: which should be wholly devoted to the glory of God.
The passages in question are paragraphs 22-25:
"Indeed, scarcely has 'the Word been made flesh' {John 1:14.}, than He manifests himself to the world in His priestly character; by making an act of submission to God the Father that is to be life-long: 'Therefore, in coming into the world, He says, 'Behold, I come to do Your Will, O God .' {Heb. 10:5-7.} This act of submission is to be brought to its full perfection in a wonderful way in the bloody Sacrifice of the Cross: 'It is in this 'Will' that we have been sanctified through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all.' {Heb. 10:10.} All Christ's activity among men had no other purpose. As a child, He is presented to the Lord in the Temple of Jerusalem. As a youth, He goes again to the Temple. Later on, He will often return to instruct the people and to pray. Before inaugurating His public ministry, He fasts for forty days. by word and example, He exhorts us to pray, whether by day or by night. As Master of Truth, He 'enlightens every man' {John 1:9,}; that mortals may recognize the true immortal God, and not be 'among those who draw back unto destruction, but of those who have faith to the saving of the soul.' {Heb. 10:39.} As Shepherd, He has charge of His flock. He leads it into living pastures, and gives it a law to be observed; in order that none may turn aside from Him: but that all may lead holy lives under His inspiration and guidance. at the Last Supper He celebrated the New Passover with pomp and solemn rite; and, thanks to the divine institution of the Eucharist, assured its permanence. the next day, uplifted between Heaven and earth, He offers His life in sacrifice for our salvation; and from His riven side, causes the Sacraments to flow that distribute to men's souls the fruits of the Redemption. In so doing, He has no other aim than his Father's glory and man's greater sanctity.
"Entering, then, into the place of eternal beatitude, He desires that the worship initiated and offered during His earthly life, may continue without interruption. For He will not leave the human race orphans, but will ever assist it by His continuous and powerful protection; making Himself our Advocate in Heaven with the Father. {I John, 2:2.} He will assist it also by His Church, in which His divine presence is perpetuated from age to age; which He established as a 'pillar and mainstay of the truth' {I Tim. 3:15.}, and dispenser of His grace; and which, by the Sacrifice of the Cross, He founded, consecrated, and confirmed forever."
[from 'Your Mass and Your Life', to be continued]