Wednesday, July 11, 2007



First of all, is the importance of keeping in the state of grace.
This is the first sacrifice.
As everyone knows, [or should know] the maintaining of oneself in the state of sanctifying grace, calls for continual combat, for ceaseless vigilance.
"Let no one say," writes Fr. Grimaud on page 204 of his book, Ma messe, "that this first formation in us of 'the victim for the sacrifice' is of small merit. Who then is so ignorant of the effort it costs our poor fallen human nature to keep itself in a state of grace? The general obligations of the Christian life already are a repeated source of privations: regular prayer, Sunday Mass in preference to a pleasure trip, kneeling before the priest in the confessional, fasting and abstinence on the days set apart by the Church, setting oneself down 'for the record' as a practicing Catholic in a non-Catholic environment--just so many opportunities for those little sacrifices that pave the way of THE Sacrifice!

"How many mortifications are required to perform the duties of one's state in life: Married people know the courage and trust in Providence that are required in order never to offend God in the exercise of the duties and obligations imposed by marriage. Youth with a concern for chastity must shun the theatre, novels and undesirable companions, and oppose a stubborn 'No!' to the solicitations of vice. When a young man or a young woman goes through the maelstrom of youth without having been cut off from Christ by mortal sin, does not such a young member of the Mystical Body offer an authentic preparation for the state of co-victim: permitting him (or her) to offer himself (or herself) with the Adorable Priest on the altar? Is not a young woman who chooses to walk through this modern world simply as a 'Christian virgin' the astonishment of all who know her? . . . Such a girl is modest in dress and demeanor, graced with womanly reserve. She shuns the dance floor, where she could 'shine' and make a public display of her beauty. Unostentatiously , yet deeply religious, she is helpful at home: showing herself ready and willing for the most distasteful tasks, charitably devoted to the sick and poor. . . . And what is society's verdict on this young lady? Admired by some, she is blamed by others. Why? For 'wasting her best years' by being--a Christian!"
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life', to be continued . . .]