In Mexico, he is invoked for silence and protection against curses.
He was called non natus, “not born,” because he was taken out of his mother’s womb after she died in labor.
He voluntary offered himself as a slave to save others and while in captivity,
he gave comfort to other Christians in captive and hoped to convert his captors to Christianity.
To punish and to stop St. Raymond from preaching, his lips were pierced with a
red-hot iron and his mouth closed with a padlock.
Raymond Nonnatus (c.1204-40), a Catalonian, was a pioneer member of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the redemption of Christians enslaved by the Mohammedans. After freeing hundreds of Christian captives in Africa, he gave himself up as a hostage so as not to expose to apostasy those still unransomed. At length he himself was ransomed and he returned to Spain. He died soon after Pope Gregory IX had nominated him a cardinal. He believed with St. John Chrysostom that the greatest charity of all is to contribute to the salvation of a soul.
Mass of a CONFESSOR OF THE FAITH, except
O God, You granted remarkable success to the efforts of the holy confessor Raymond in releasing Christians from the slavery of unbelievers. May his prayers free us from the slavery of sin, so that we may fulfill Your wishes with complete freedom. Through our Lord . . .
We offer You, O Lord, this Sacrifice of praise in memory of Your saints. Free us from evil now and in the future through their intercession. Through our Lord . . .
Refreshed with Heavenly Food and Drink, we humbly pray You, our God, that we may be strengthened by the prayers of Your saint in whose memory we have received this Sacrament. Through our Lord . . .
Raymond Nonnatus (c.1204-40), a Catalonian, was a pioneer member of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the redemption of Christians enslaved by the Mohammedans. After freeing hundreds of Christian captives in Africa, he gave himself up as a hostage so as not to expose to apostasy those still unransomed. At length he himself was ransomed and he returned to Spain. He died soon after Pope Gregory IX had nominated him a cardinal. He believed with St. John Chrysostom that the greatest charity of all is to contribute to the salvation of a soul.
Mass of a CONFESSOR OF THE FAITH, except
O God, You granted remarkable success to the efforts of the holy confessor Raymond in releasing Christians from the slavery of unbelievers. May his prayers free us from the slavery of sin, so that we may fulfill Your wishes with complete freedom. Through our Lord . . .
We offer You, O Lord, this Sacrifice of praise in memory of Your saints. Free us from evil now and in the future through their intercession. Through our Lord . . .
Refreshed with Heavenly Food and Drink, we humbly pray You, our God, that we may be strengthened by the prayers of Your saint in whose memory we have received this Sacrament. Through our Lord . . .
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