The family of Jane Frances de Fremiot (1572-1641) in Dijon, France, was prominent and wealthy. Jane became the wife of the Baron de Chantal, a nobleman of honor and virtue. The happiness of the young couple ended nine years later, when the baron died in a hunting accident. His widow devoted herself to the care of their four children, and after a time placed herself under the direction of St. Francis de Sales. Under his guidance she founded the congregation of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, for the education of girls.
Mass of a HOLY WOMAN, except
O Almighty and merciful God, who willed to add glory to Your Church through the new congregation founded by blessed Jane Frances, You inflamed this saint with such a love of Yourself that her wondrous strength of soul led her in the way of perfection during her whole life. May her merits and prayers bring us grace from heaven to overcome everything that hinders us, for we are conscious of our own frailty and trust solely in Your strength. Through our Lord . . .
O Lord, let this life-giving sacrifice kindle in us the same fire of love that burned so ardently in the heart of blessed Jane Frances and consumed her in the flames of infinite charity. Through our Lord . . .
O Lord, pour out the Spirit of Your love upon us who have been fed with the Bread of Heaven. Grant us the grace to spurn earthly things through the prayers of blessed Jane Frances, so that we may seek You alone, our God, with pure hearts. Through our Lord . . .
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