Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
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English: A more recent and accurate picture of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Taken in 2009 using my own Camera, approved by the Parish at Saint Alphonse in Roma, Italia. 2009, my own work. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Mercy is easy for those who love, since love begets understanding. And where there is understanding of motives and of the forces of temptation, a person is slow to condemn or rebuke anyone of any race. "In the treasures of wisdom is understanding" (Eccli. 1:26). Besides, to know oneself is to know how hard it is to change, how easily feelings blind one's thinking, how ready a person is to defend himself and to claim exceptions for his own benefit. From such truth and humility spring compassion, forgiveness, and considerate speech.
INTROIT Ps. 26:7-9
Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I have cried to Thee, be Thou my helper, forsake me not, do not Thou despise me, O God, my Savior.
Ps. 26:1. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
V. Glory be . . .
O God, who hast prepared for them that love Thee such good things as pass understanding, pour into our hearts such love towards Thee, that we, loving Thee in all things and above all things, may obtain Thy promises which exceed all that we can desire. Through our Lord . . .
Commemoration of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Mercy is easy for those who love, since love begets understanding. And where there is understanding of motives and of the forces of temptation, a person is slow to condemn or rebuke anyone of any race. "In the treasures of wisdom is understanding" (Eccli. 1:26). Besides, to know oneself is to know how hard it is to change, how easily feelings blind one's thinking, how ready a person is to defend himself and to claim exceptions for his own benefit. From such truth and humility spring compassion, forgiveness, and considerate speech.
INTROIT Ps. 26:7-9
Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I have cried to Thee, be Thou my helper, forsake me not, do not Thou despise me, O God, my Savior.
Ps. 26:1. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
V. Glory be . . .
O God, who hast prepared for them that love Thee such good things as pass understanding, pour into our hearts such love towards Thee, that we, loving Thee in all things and above all things, may obtain Thy promises which exceed all that we can desire. Through our Lord . . .
Commemoration of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
In the thirteenth century, a beautiful picture of Our Lady holding the Child Jesus, with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel on
either side of her, was painted in the East. In the fifteenth century,
this picture was brought from the Island of Crete and was taken to Rome.
It was placed in the Church of Saint Matthew in Rome. There, for three
hundred years, pilgrims came to reverence and pray before this holy
picture, because everyone loved its simplicity, its beauty and its
truth. After the French Revolution, when the vicious Napoleon desecrated
thirty Catholic Churches in Rome, this precious picture of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help was hidden away, but it was rediscovered in 1862.
It was then placed in the Church of Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori,
founder of the Redemptorist Order, in Rome, where it is now kept. The
purpose of this lovely picture is by way of simple and innocent symbol
to teach us that
Our Lady is our help in all things, and our help at all times.
Many Catholic churches in all countries are called by the name, Our
Lady of Perpetual Help.
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.Let us pray. Almighty
and merciful God, Who hast given us a picture of Thy most blessed
Mother to venerate under the special title of Perpetual Succor,
mercifully grant us to be so fortified, among all the vicissitudes of
this wayfaring life, by the protection of the same immaculate, ever
virgin Mary, that we may deserve to attain the rewards of Thine
everlasting redemption. Who livest and reignest, with God the Father, in
the unity of the Holy Ghost, God,
Forever and ever.
Forever and ever.
EPISTLE I Peter 3:8-15
Dearly beloved: Be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, being lovers of the brotherhood, merciful, modest, humble: Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing, but contrariwise, blessing: for unto this are you called, that you may inherit a blessing. For he that will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. Let him decline from evil and do good: Let him seek after peace and pursue it: Because the eyes of the Lord are upon the just, and his ears unto their prayers but the countenance of the Lord upon them that do evil things. And who is he that can hurt you, if you be zealous of good? But if also you suffer any thing for justice' sake, blessed are ye. And be not afraid of their fear: and be not troubled. But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you.
GRADUAL Ps. 86:10, 9
Behold, O God our protector, and look on Thy servants.
V. O Lord God of hosts, give ear to the prayers of Thy servants.
Alleluia, alleluia! Ps. 20:1
In Thy strength, O Lord, the king shall joy, and in Thy salvation he shall rejoice exceedingly. Alleluia!
GOSPEL Matt. 5:20-24
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: "Unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. You have heard that it was said to them of old: 'Thou shalt not kill.' And whosoever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgment. But I say to you, that whosoever is angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to his brother, 'Raca,' shall be in danger of the council. And whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. If therefore thou offer thy gift at the altar, and there thou remember that thy brother hath anything against thee; Leave there thy offering before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to thy brother, and then coming thou shalt offer thy gift."
I will bless the Lord, who hath given me understanding. I set God always in my sight; for He is at my right hand, that I be not moved.
Be merciful, O Lord, to our humble pleading, and favorably receive these offerings of Thy servants and handmaidens, that what each of us has offered to the honor of Thy Name, may profit us all unto salvation. Through our Lord . . .
Commemoration of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
By Thy clemency, O Lord, and the
intercession of blessed Mary, ever a virgin, may this oblation profit us
unto eternal and also present well being and peace. Through our Lord
Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the
unity of the Holy Ghost, one God
Forever and ever.
One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.
Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that we whom Thou hast fed with the heavenly Gift, may be cleansed from our hidden sins and delivered from the snares of our enemies. Through our Lord . . .
Forever and ever.
One thing I have asked of the Lord, this will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.
Grant, O Lord, we beseech Thee, that we whom Thou hast fed with the heavenly Gift, may be cleansed from our hidden sins and delivered from the snares of our enemies. Through our Lord . . .
Commemoration of Our Mother of Perpetual Help
The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray. May the august intercession of Mary, Thy glorious Mother, ever a virgin, help us, O Lord, that those whom it hath heaped with benefits it may deliver from all peril and by her tender kindness, make to be of one mind. Who livest and reignest, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God,
For ever and ever.
R. Amen.
R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray. May the august intercession of Mary, Thy glorious Mother, ever a virgin, help us, O Lord, that those whom it hath heaped with benefits it may deliver from all peril and by her tender kindness, make to be of one mind. Who livest and reignest, with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God,
For ever and ever.
R. Amen.
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