Continued . . .
20 -- Demonstrate that the Mass constitutes a renewal of the Last Supper.
Our Lord's Sacrifice was especially manifested on two occasions:
1. In an unbloody manner in the intimacy of the Cenacle.
2. In a bloody manner in His Passion.
We have seen something of the resemblances and differences in the Sacrifice of the Cross and that of the Mass. Let us pause briefly to consider the resemblances of the Last Supper with those of the Mass.
The Upper Room ------------------------------- The Mass
Continued . . .
20 -- Demonstrate that the Mass constitutes a renewal of the Last Supper.
Our Lord's Sacrifice was especially manifested on two occasions:
1. In an unbloody manner in the intimacy of the Cenacle.
2. In a bloody manner in His Passion.
We have seen something of the resemblances and differences in the Sacrifice of the Cross and that of the Mass. Let us pause briefly to consider the resemblances of the Last Supper with those of the Mass.
The Upper Room ------------------------------- The Mass
Purification of the apostles ------------------- The aspersions
The washing of the feet ------------------------ The Confiteor
The washing of the feet ------------------------ The Confiteor
Jesus' discourse -------------------------------- Epistle, Gospel, Sermon, Creed
Jesus takes the bread, blesses it, ------------- At the Offertory, the same words
and offers it to His Father, -------------------- and gestures are renewed by the
Likewise for the wine. -------------------------- priest.
and offers it to His Father, -------------------- and gestures are renewed by the
Likewise for the wine. -------------------------- priest.
The same potent words are pronounced:
"This is My Body. This is My Blood."
The same potent words are pronounced:
"This is My Body. This is My Blood."
Jesus distributes the Bread of Life ------------ The priest, "another Christ,"
to the apostles. ---------------------------------- distributes the consecrated
---------------------------------------------------- Hosts to the faithful.
to the apostles. ---------------------------------- distributes the consecrated
---------------------------------------------------- Hosts to the faithful.
Jesus and His apostles recites ----------------- At the Post communion, the
the thanksgiving hymn. ------------------------ priest, in union with the people,
---------------------------------------------------- gives thanks to God.
By means of this comparative table, we are better able to visualize the identity of the Mass with the Sacrifice that Christ offered to His Father more than nineteen centuries ago.
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life' to be continued . . .]
the thanksgiving hymn. ------------------------ priest, in union with the people,
---------------------------------------------------- gives thanks to God.
By means of this comparative table, we are better able to visualize the identity of the Mass with the Sacrifice that Christ offered to His Father more than nineteen centuries ago.
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life' to be continued . . .]
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