Continued . . .
Continued . . .
25--What do we read in paragraph 97-100 of the encyclical Mediator Dei, with regard to the infinite value of the Mass?
"The Apostle to the Gentiles", says His Holiness, "in proclaiming the superabundant fullness and perfection of the Sacrifice of the Cross, declared that Christ, by one offering, had perfected forever those who are sanctified. {Heb. 10:4.} For the merits of this infinite and immeasurable Sacrifice are limitless; they extend universally to men of all time and of all places, because the God-Man is both Priest and Victim; because His immolation, like His obedience to God the Father, was perfect; and because He willed to die as the Head of the human race. 'Behold in what manner our Redemption--Christ hanged upon the tree. Behold at what a price it was purchased--He shed His Blood. Our Redemption was bought with the Blood of the Immaculate Lamb, with the Blood of God's only Son. . . . The purchaser is Christ; the purchase price, His Blood; the purchase, the universe'. {St. Augustine, Discourse on Psalm 147, No. 16.}
"The full effect of this purchase, however, was not attained at once. It was needful that Christ, after having redeemed the world at the costly price of Himself, should enter into full and undisputed possession of men's souls. In a manner of speaking, one may say that Christ established on Calvary a pool of atonement and salvation, which He filled with His shed Blood; but if men do not plunge into its depths and there cleanse their sin-stained souls, they can neither be purified nor saved.
"In order, then, for each sinner to be made white in the Blood of the Lamb, it is necessary for Christians to associate their labors with those of Christ. If, generally speaking, one may say that Christ reconciled all mankind with His father by means of His bloody death; He has nevertheless willed that in order to obtain the salutary fruits produced by Him on the Cross, all should be led and brought to His Cross by the Sacraments; and chiefly, by the Eucharistic Sacrifice."
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life', to be continued . . .]
"The Apostle to the Gentiles", says His Holiness, "in proclaiming the superabundant fullness and perfection of the Sacrifice of the Cross, declared that Christ, by one offering, had perfected forever those who are sanctified. {Heb. 10:4.} For the merits of this infinite and immeasurable Sacrifice are limitless; they extend universally to men of all time and of all places, because the God-Man is both Priest and Victim; because His immolation, like His obedience to God the Father, was perfect; and because He willed to die as the Head of the human race. 'Behold in what manner our Redemption--Christ hanged upon the tree. Behold at what a price it was purchased--He shed His Blood. Our Redemption was bought with the Blood of the Immaculate Lamb, with the Blood of God's only Son. . . . The purchaser is Christ; the purchase price, His Blood; the purchase, the universe'. {St. Augustine, Discourse on Psalm 147, No. 16.}
"The full effect of this purchase, however, was not attained at once. It was needful that Christ, after having redeemed the world at the costly price of Himself, should enter into full and undisputed possession of men's souls. In a manner of speaking, one may say that Christ established on Calvary a pool of atonement and salvation, which He filled with His shed Blood; but if men do not plunge into its depths and there cleanse their sin-stained souls, they can neither be purified nor saved.
"In order, then, for each sinner to be made white in the Blood of the Lamb, it is necessary for Christians to associate their labors with those of Christ. If, generally speaking, one may say that Christ reconciled all mankind with His father by means of His bloody death; He has nevertheless willed that in order to obtain the salutary fruits produced by Him on the Cross, all should be led and brought to His Cross by the Sacraments; and chiefly, by the Eucharistic Sacrifice."
[From 'Your Mass and Your Life', to be continued . . .]
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