Today the Church goes on spiritual pilgrimage to the tombs of the two greatest apostles. To the famous basilica of St. Peter's, built over the tomb of the Vicar of Christ at Rome, have come Christians of every age, every race, and every nation, for Peter is the rock and foundation of their faith. while we are thus reminded of the unity of all the members of the Mystical Body, St. Paul, Apostle of the Gentiles, directs our thoughts toward those who have yet to be taught the message of Salvation.
Mass of the DEDICATION OF A CHURCH: PRAYER O God, by Your care we come safely each year to commemorate with these sacred rites the dedication of Your holy temple. Graciously hear the prayers of Your people and grant that all who implore Your blessings in this church may joyfully receive the favors they ask. Through Our Lord . . .
(Mediator Dei)Mass of the DEDICATION OF A CHURCH: PRAYER O God, by Your care we come safely each year to commemorate with these sacred rites the dedication of Your holy temple. Graciously hear the prayers of Your people and grant that all who implore Your blessings in this church may joyfully receive the favors they ask. Through Our Lord . . .
The fourth end is that of impetration. Man the prodigal has wasted the goods of his heavenly Father, and reduced himself to degrading poverty. Christ on the Cross, replacing man, offered "prayers and supplications with a loud cry and tears, and has been heard," as St. Paul says. Upon the altar likewise He is our Mediator with God, in the same effective manner, so that we may receive every blessing and grace. The merits of the Sacrifice of the Cross are limitless for they are meant for all men of every time and place.
[Excerpted from 'Mediator Dei', Pius XII]
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