Felix renounced life at the royal court of France and had already grown old as a hermit in a forest of Valois when St. John of Martha visited him there in the year 1200. God had given both of them the idea of founding an order devoted to ransoming the numerous Christians captured by the Saracen pirates on the Mediterranean at that time. Together they secured approval from Pope Innocent III in Rome and established the order of the Trinitarians. John became superior of the order, and Felix took charge of the monastery of Cerfroid in France, where he died in 1212.
Mass of a CONFESSOR OF THE FAITH, except:
O God, through a messenger from heaven You called the blessed confessor Felix to come out of the desert to labor for the ransom of captives. May his intercession free us from the slavery of our sins and bring us safely to our home in heaven. Through Our Lord . . .
Mass of a CONFESSOR OF THE FAITH, except:
O God, through a messenger from heaven You called the blessed confessor Felix to come out of the desert to labor for the ransom of captives. May his intercession free us from the slavery of our sins and bring us safely to our home in heaven. Through Our Lord . . .
The Mystical Body:
The Mystical Body:
The co-operation of the faithful is necessary so that sinners may be individually purified in the Blood of the Lamb. For though Christ by His agonizing death reconciled the whole human race with the Father, He wished that all should approach His cross, especially through the sacraments and the Eucharistic Sacrifice, and thus obtain the fruits obtained by Him upon it. Through this active and individual participation the members of the Mystical Body not only become daily more like their divine Head, but the life flowing from the Head is imparted to the members; so that each one may say with St. Paul: "With Christ I am nailed to the cross. It is now no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me." [Gal. 2:19-20]
The Sacrifice of the altar is the supreme instrument whereby the merits won by our Redeemer on the cross are distributed to the faithful. As often as the Mass is offered the work of our redemption is wrought. This, far from lessening the dignity of Calvary's sacrifice, proclaims its greatness and necessity, as the Council of Trent declares. Its daily immolation reminds us that there is no other means of salvation except in the cross of Christ. God wishes this continuation of Calvary's sacrifice so that the hymn of praise and thanksgiving that man owes to God may never cease. Man needs the continual help of the Blood of the Redeemer.
[Excepted from 'Mediator Dei', Pius XII]
The Sacrifice of the altar is the supreme instrument whereby the merits won by our Redeemer on the cross are distributed to the faithful. As often as the Mass is offered the work of our redemption is wrought. This, far from lessening the dignity of Calvary's sacrifice, proclaims its greatness and necessity, as the Council of Trent declares. Its daily immolation reminds us that there is no other means of salvation except in the cross of Christ. God wishes this continuation of Calvary's sacrifice so that the hymn of praise and thanksgiving that man owes to God may never cease. Man needs the continual help of the Blood of the Redeemer.
[Excepted from 'Mediator Dei', Pius XII]
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