In 1830, 24 years before the dogma of the Immaculate Conception became an article of faith, Our Lady showed to Catherine Laboure', a Sister of Charity in Paris, the pattern of the medal that was to popularize this belief. During her 46 years of community life, Sister Catherine never revealed by word or sign the favors granted her by the Blessed Virgin, but gave herself in obscure devotion to the care of derelict old men. The medal has received the name of "Miraculous Medal," because of the many wonders God has worked by its means.
Mass of a VIRGIN, except:
O Lord Jesus Christ, You blessed the holy virgin Catherine with the wondrous apparition of Your Immaculate Mother. May we follow the example of this saint in honoring Your most holy Mother with childlike devotion and obtain the happiness of eternal life; who lives and rules with God the Father.
May the prayer of the blessed virgin Catherine make our sacrifice pleasing to You, O Lord, so that as we celebrate it in her honor it may be acceptable to You through her merits. Through Our Lord . . .
Be merciful to Your servants, O Lord, so that we, who have been wonderously refreshed by these Holy Rites, may now live a virtuous life through the example of blessed Catherine. Through Our Lord . . .
Mass of a VIRGIN, except:
O Lord Jesus Christ, You blessed the holy virgin Catherine with the wondrous apparition of Your Immaculate Mother. May we follow the example of this saint in honoring Your most holy Mother with childlike devotion and obtain the happiness of eternal life; who lives and rules with God the Father.
May the prayer of the blessed virgin Catherine make our sacrifice pleasing to You, O Lord, so that as we celebrate it in her honor it may be acceptable to You through her merits. Through Our Lord . . .
Be merciful to Your servants, O Lord, so that we, who have been wonderously refreshed by these Holy Rites, may now live a virtuous life through the example of blessed Catherine. Through Our Lord . . .
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